

State Senate continues partisan politics

Nothing new in Wisconsin, as the GOP-controlled legislature continues to play hardball, rather than cooperatively working to allow citizen boards to keep politics at arm’s length from state agencies. The Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Sporting Heritage revealed its partisan agenda when it voted not to confirm four appointees to the Natural Resources Board,…

Roseate Spoonbill: only the second Wisconsin sighting in over 100 years.

Per the Madison Audubon Society’s Facebook post August 16, 2023. Tim and Linda Eisele, Madison Audubon members and volunteers, reported the second modern record for a Roseate Spoonbill in Wisconsin on Saturday, August 12. They found the bird while kayaking the Crawfish River in Jefferson County. The first spoonbill observation in the state was reported…

It’s NOT about Prehn, it’s the SYSTEM!

It’s NOT about Dr. Prehn.     The controversy over Dr. Frederick Prehn and his position on the Natural Resources Board is not about Dr. Prehn.  It IS about the system.     The system is broken in Wisconsin, we know that, and what was supposed to be a system of checks and balances to keep politicians out of natural…